Monday, May 25, 2009

My princess turned 6 almost three months ago. I have been unable to post about it since I have been so emotional. Where has the time gone?? I beg the lord to turn back time but of course this cannot happen. When I was pregnant with Joslyn I remember thinking about all of the things that i wanted to teach her. Love, patience, kindness, goodwill, etc. The truth is that she has taught me so much more then I think I will ever teach her. I never knew what love, patience, joy, and even sorrow were until she was born. I have experienced every emotion to it's fullest. A friend of mine told me that having a child involves letting your heart walk out the door almost every day. We give every inch of ourselves to our children and the truth is they will never know the kind of love we have for them until they have children of their own. Joslyn is the air that i breathe, my joy, my everything. I am so so blessed to be her mom. She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Thanks for making me a mommy!! ( Joslyn said the other day that she sometimes tries to imagine if she wasn't born and she wasn't ours. She said it's almost unbareable to think about her without the love from her mommy and daddy becasue she too loves us so much:);) What a dear sweet grown up girl she is.)

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